American Survival 101

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


May 25, 2010 — Brain Washing TV Comercial Comming to a TV Station near YOU. NWO 666 RFID CHIP Commercial begins to air on US TV Stations. This video is Mirrored with the full permission of LibertyOrDeath84 Channel Please Subscribe and visit the link, thanks. Do not except thed Mark of the BEAST.
LibertyOrDeath84 — May 10, 2010 — FREE "Martial Law Survival" e-Course @

This is how they are incrementally implementing the RFID implantable microchip, aka "The Mark of the Beast".

They want to get people used to the idea under the guise of a health benefit. It is planned to be used as the means of buying things and keeping all financial and personal records within it.

Also, the RFID has been proven to cause CANCER!....

Spread this information to everyone you know!

rfid microchip implanted cancer mark of the beast commercial America it is here Sign Beast Freedom What Media Won't Tell You Breaking News Obama RFID Chip Advertisement NWO Advertising

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